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Type : Residential
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%% !buildingInfoSection ? "-" : "+" %% %% building.building_name %% ( %% building.building_usage_type %% ) Pricing: %% building.showcase_min_price%% onwards
- %% highlight.highlight_name %%
- %% specification.specification_name %%
%% feature.feat_name %% - %% feature.feat_description %%
%% !amenity.cf_custom_name.trim() ? amenity.feat_name : amenity.cf_custom_name %%
(Wing) No | Configuration | Floor | Carpet Area | Price | Status |
%% getWing(prod) ? "(" + getWing(prod) + ")" : "" %% %% prod.prod_name %% | %% prod.configuration %% %% prod.room_config %% | %% prod.floor %% | %% prod.prod_size %% %% getUOMShortName() %% | %% getProductPrice(prod)%% | %% prod_availability_labels(prod.prod_status) %% |
%% floor_label.replace("_", " ") %%
All Units Associated with this Floor PlanUnits Filter
(Wing) No | Floor | Configuration | Carpet Area | Price | Status |
%% getWing(floorPlanProduct) ? "(" + getWing(floorPlanProduct) + ")" : "" %% %% floorPlanProduct.prod_name %% | %% floorPlanProduct.floor %% | %% floorPlanProduct.configuration %% %% getRoomConfig(floorPlanProduct) %% | %% floorPlanProduct.prod_size %% %% getUOMShortName() %% | %% getProductPrice(floorPlanProduct) %% | %% prod_availability_labels(floorPlanProduct.prod_availability) %% |
No Units available to showcase |
%% product.cpt_sub_type %% %% product.prod_name %%
by %% product.prod_company %%- FloorProductStatus
- %% floorPlanProduct.floor %%%% floorPlanProduct.prod_name %%%% prod_availability_labels(floorPlanProduct.prod_availability) %%
- FloorProductStatus
- %% floorPlanProduct.floor %%%% floorPlanProduct.prod_name %%%% prod_availability_labels(floorPlanProduct.prod_availability) %%
Description :
%% product.prod_description %%
Highlights :
- %% highlight.value %%
%% offer.disc_description %%
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Product Details ( %% product.prod_name %% )
- %% %% :
- %% tmpattr.value %%
- %% specification.value %%
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DisclaimerHighly Confidential & Trade Secret This confidential document and the information contained herein (the “Presentation”) (references to which shall be deemed to include any information which has been or may be supplied in writing or orally, in connection herewith or in connection with any further enquiries) is being furnished to you solely for the purposes of introducing you to Chitrali Properties Pvt Ltd (“CPPL”). This Presentation has been prepared solely for informational purposes. You and your directors, officers, employees, agents and affiliates must hold this document and any oral information provided in connection with this document in strict confidence and may not communicate, reproduce, distribute or disclose it to any other person, or refer to it publicly, in whole or in part at any time except with our prior written consent. The Presentation is confidential and the property of CPPL. If you are not the intended recipient of this document, please delete and destroy all copies immediately.Certain information contained in this presentation has been obtained from sources outside CPPL. While such information is believed to be reliable for purposes used herein, no representations are made as to the accuracy or completeness thereof and neither CPPL nor its affiliates take any responsibility for, or have independently verified, any such information.The recipient agrees by accepting this Presentation, the recipient shall be bound by the following limitations, instructions and restrictions..CPPL expressly disclaims any and all liability for any representation or warranty, express or implied, contained in, or for errors and omissions from, this Presentation or any other written or oral communication transmitted to the recipient in the course of its evaluation of CPPL. This document and the analyses contained in it is based, in part, on certain assumptions of CPPL, their directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates and/or from other sources. Only those particular representations and warranties that may be made by CPPL in a definitive written agreement, when and if one is executed, and subject to such limitations and restrictions as may be specified in such agreement, shall have any legal effect.All statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact or which pertain to CPPL’s expected financial condition and results of operations, business, plans and prospects or describe CPPL’s objectives, future expectations, strategies, plans or goals are forward-looking statements. Such statements, estimates, targets and projections reflect significant assumptions and subjective judgments, on the part of CPPL, concerning its anticipated results as at the date of such projections and forecasts, assumptions or estimates. You can generally identify forward- looking statements by the use of terminology such as “development potential”, “future development opportunity”, “planned”, “expected”, “budget”, “forecast”, “mark-to-market potential”, “embedded upside”, “potential”, “plan”, “project”, “future”, or other words or phrases of similar import. These assumptions and judgments may not prove to be correct, and there can be no assurance that any estimates, targets or projections are attainable or will be realized. Any such estimate, projection, forward looking statements or forecast must not be regarded as a representation or assurance, express or implied, by CPPL as to the achievability or the reasonableness of such estimates or assumptions orof any projection or forecasts contained in the Presentation, or of the accuracy of any such statements or projections. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. Whether or not any such forward looking statements or projections or forecasts are in fact achieved will depend upon future events which may not be within the control of CPPL. Further, the actual results may differ materially from those suggested by the forward-looking statements due to risks or uncertainties associated with but not limited to, regulatory changes and CPPL’s ability to respond to them, CPPL’s ability to successfully implement their strategy, exposure to market risks, general economic and political conditions in India which have an impact on CPPL’s business activities, the monetary and fiscal policies of India, inflation, deflation, unanticipated volatility in interest rates, equity prices or other rates or prices, the performance of the financial markets in India and globally, changes in domestic laws, regulations and taxes, contingent liabilities, environmental problems and uninsured losses, our ability to identify suitable projects, obtain government approvals and complete construction and development of projects in timely manner and incidence of any natural calamities or acts of violence and other factors beyond CPPL’s control and their ability to manage risks that arise from these factors.CPPL does not assume any responsibility for verifying any statements, estimates, targets and projections. Statements contained in this Presentation regarding, or based on, past trends or activities should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. As such, neither CPPL nor any of their affiliates, or their respective officers, employees or agents, make any representation or warranty, express or implied, in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document or any oral information provided in connection herewith, or any data it generates and accept no responsibility, obligation or liability (whether direct or indirect, in contract, tort or otherwise) in relation to any of such information. CPPL and their affiliates and their respective officers, employees and agents expressly disclaim any and all liability which may be based on this document and any errors therein or omissions therefrom. There is no obligation on CPPL to provide further information, update or revise any forward-looking statements in this Presentation or to correct any inaccuracies in any such information which may become apparent, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.This Presentation is not intended to form the basis of any investment decision. Further, this Presentation does not constitute an offer or invitation or purport to be all inclusive or to contain all the information that may be required by the recipient or any other person in connection with any investment decision or any decision for the purchase of assets or business described herein or to subscribe to or purchase any interest or securities in CPPL and nothing contained herein shall form the basis of any contract or commitment whatsoever.This Presentation is not intended to provide the basis of any valuation, credit or other evaluation and should not be considered as a recommendation by CPPL that any recipient of this Memorandumshould purchase any of the business, assets or securities of CPPL. This Presentation has been prepared on the basis of the information available as on the date of this Presentation. CPPL’s business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects may have changed since that date. Neither the delivery of this Presentation nor any offer or sale of securities, business or assets of CPPL shall, under any circumstances, constitute a representation or create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of CPPL as of any date subsequent to the date hereof. Accordingly, the information in the document herein is subject to change without notice.The distribution of this Presentation in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law, and persons into whose possession this Presentation comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. The recipients of this document also represent that they are able to receive this document without contravention of any unfulfilled registration requirements or other legal restrictions in the jurisdiction in which they reside or conduct business.By its acceptance hereof, each recipient agrees that neither it nor its agents, representatives, directors or employees will copy, reproduce or distribute to others this Presentation, in whole or in part, at any time without the prior written consent of CPPL. Further, the recipient should not construe the contents of this Presentation as legal, tax or business advice and should consult its own tax, legal or business advisor for the legal, tax and business matters referred to in this Presentation. This Presentation is the property of CPPL and is being issued on a strictly private and confidential basis.Note: The Presentation, issued herein on a private and confidential basis, is neither a prospectus nor a statement in lieu of a prospectus. This is only a Presentation, strictly intended for private circulation and should not be construed to be a prospectus and/or an invitation to the public for subscribing to the Securities of CPPL under any law of the time being in force.
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